Thursday, March 5, 2009

Enhancing a Photo with Paint.NET

The orginal photo was taken last week in Indianapolis, IN. Do to the warmer outdoor temperatures there were a lot of people walking the streets and enjoying the early spring day. It was a perfect opportunity to grab the camera and and try out some of my newly learned skills. Such as, framing the shot, rule of thirds, lighting, composition, and to concentrate on the camera settings and features. I tried to master the technique of panning, but that did not work out as well as I had hoped.

This particular young woman caught my eye so I started photographing her. She was window shopping and unaware of my presence. To me, she looks like a model and I enjoyed watching her interact with her friends as they were walking down the street. I began transposing the orginal photo by cropping the picture to eliminate some of the white space above the subjects. I experimented with many of the features that Paint.NET has to offer. Using the Auto-Level and Brightness/Contrast features added a more appealing look it brings out the natural colors in her face and jacket which I believe allows the viewer to focus on her expression.

Again, cropping this photo a bit more allowed me to focus on my subject. I decided to turn it into a B&W. Then, I turned to PowerPoint to help me frame this photo. It certainly will take a lot of practice to learn all these techiques. Nevertheless, I am excited about what I have learned in just a short period of time thanks to all the support from Professor Weller and my classmates.


  1. hello vicki they are Italian… for case I have read yours blog as you will have understood I do not know well l' English however thought of salutes.ciao good continuation

  2. oh man - lovely transition here. I think the comment from "Del Temp" is spam, because you don't have word verification turned on.
